

🚀 Introducing our 90-Second Nuggets video series: Safeguarding Tips for Busy Parents! "It takes a village" to build a safe community for our children. 🏘️Check out our first two videos now:1. [Video 1] [Video 2]( tuned!— Guildford County Sch () July 24, 2024


To our Year 6’s - It has been a privledge to have taught you and we are incredibly proud of the young people you have become. We wish you all the luck in the world as you move on to secondary school.Here they are in their fabulous production of Matilda.#Godalming— Loseley Fields () July 23, 2024


In the best tradition, our end-of-year dismissal assembly celebrates all students, their achievements, and our community spirit. We honor shared experiences, announce house winners, and wish everyone a restful summer. Well done, Windsor House, for leading the board so far!— Guildford County Sch () July 22, 2024


Year 10 Career Day was a huge success! Over 100 volunteers joined us for mock interviews, speed networking, career escape room, & more. Thanks to our amazing community, parents,alumni, & business partners.Students had a blast with prizes from— Guildford County Sch () July 22, 2024


Year 11 prom at Guildford County was filled with magic, finesse, and glamorous fun! The hall buzzed with music and dance, creating unforgettable memories and solidifying future connections. Enjoy the rest of the summer!— Guildford County Sch () July 22, 2024


And that's a wrap for another year! We hope everyone has the opportunity to enjoy special summer moments with friends and family.


Sniff sniff! 😢 Today we say 'Tschüss' and 'Au Revoir' to two of our longest serving department members, Mrs Martinez-Wallas and Mrs Grandvuinet, who are off to pastures new! We will miss you. We wish all our students a safe and happy holidays! Team MFL 🇩🇪🇪🇸🇫🇷— George Abbot Languages () July 19, 2024


A fabulous few days with unexpected bonus weather, and spirits couldn't be higher! It's hard to say goodbye to these beautiful rolling hills. What an incredible week for our Gold DofE Explorers!— Guildford County Sch () July 17, 2024


Have a listen to our CEO's end of year message - it's been a busy one! via


It’s been an incredibly busy end of term…follows us on Instagram to see what the students have been up to! 😅— George Abbot School () July 17, 2024


Last week our annual GAbbot Fest raised over £4000 for Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity, and a huge thank you for the extreme generosity of our community and of course our creative, amazing stall holders!— George Abbot School () July 17, 2024

17/07/24— George Abbot School () July 17, 2024


Another first at GA this year, Y8 Colour Run!— George Abbot School () July 17, 2024


We love these Phantom photos!— George Abbot School () July 17, 2024


Our Gold DofE participants have arrived at their first destination, Sykeside Campsite in the Lake District. Tents are up, and the happy campers are ready for their adventures. The first day has kicked off with map reading, orienteering, and walking.— Guildford County Sch () July 15, 2024


Join us for the GCSE Art, Photography, and Textiles Exhibition on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th from 4pm to 6pm. Enter via the right side of the main building. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our students’ exceptional talent and creativity.— Guildford County Sch () July 15, 2024


The Latest News

The magical world of books

20th January 2023

Wednesday 18th January was the birthday of A.A. Milne, author of Winnie the Pooh. Hearing this on the radio, sent me back to my own childhood and considering the books I used to read. As a child I was an avid reader and every Saturday would go to the local library to choose three books. These would keep me going for the week. When I consider my own teenage children and the number of books they read, the difference is stark!

There is something magical about opening a book. The smell, the feel of the pages and the world that opens up. I cannot imagine my life without books and reading!

However, for some of our pupils the thought of reading is daunting, terrifying even. The data tells us that those pupils who leave school unable to read proficiently will have limiting life chances in the future. It is our collective responsibility to consider the role we each play in supporting our learners to become proficient readers.

It might surprise some colleagues to know that just before Christmas, we spent a day with our Secondary trainee teachers, focusing on phonics and early reading skills. Whilst this is embedded in Primary teacher training, it is a new focus for Secondary and one that they found very interesting. Our trainees will progress this term to consider how they can support literacy skills through the lens of their own subject and undertake a written project. They will consider adaptations that they might need to make to their lessons, to support those pupils who find reading a challenge.

There is significant research linked to the impact of reading and mental health. Those people who read regularly are less likely to say that they feel lonely. The connections that we make with characters in novels are just as powerful as the relationships we build in real life. Interestingly, people who have read at least one chapter of Harry Potter are more likely to believe that they could have a magical power and readers of the Twilight series believe that their incisors are more pointed than their peers!

In the last year, I have challenged myself to read books that I would not usually choose, for example I read my first ever science fiction novel when tackling The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. This book drove me to question stereotypes, my beliefs and further my thinking. What a powerful tool reading can be and how wonderful if every pupil leaving our trust had the capacity to enjoy reading and try new things!

Finally, I would like to reach out to anyone thinking of starting their journey into teaching. We have a number of information events coming up where you can find out more or just call the SCITT team on 01483 888048. Remember, we now offer our Primary programme in partnership with South Farnham SCITT and secondary here at George Abbot.

Happy reading over the weekend, much better than being out in the cold!

Jo Jones, Director of ITT, Learning Partners

Latest Tweets

  • July 19, 2024 And that's a wrap for another year! We hope everyone has the opportunity to enjoy special summer moments with friends and family.
  • July 17, 2024 Have a listen to our CEO's end of year message - it's been a busy one! Read more via
  • July 8, 2024 The Ofsted report for Kings College has now been published and we are so proud of the Kings community. The report reflects the nurturing yet ambitious nature of the school. Congratulations to all staff, pupils and parents. Read the full report Read more
  • July 8, 2024 What a fabulous production. What a talented team. We are in awe! 👏👏 Read more
  • July 5, 2024 New beginnings provide an abundance of fresh opportunities. For many, this is exciting and something to look forward to. For some, times of change can be daunting and more Read more
  • June 28, 2024 A fabulous opportunity has opened up in the central team! Read more
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  • June 21, 2024 Olympians inspire us with their stories of determination and triumph. As educators, you inspire our students every day, helping them discover their potential and encouraging them to pursue their dreams. Your more Read more
  • June 19, 2024 It's National Thank a Teacher Day. We salute and celebrate our teaching community every day. Their importance and relevance in our young people's lives cannot be underestimated.
  • June 3, 2024 Good luck to all of our staff and pupils in this final run up to the end of the academic year! Enjoy!
  • May 24, 2024 Read about the amazing triumphs of Fullbrook's U16 girls football team. What an achievement! Congratulations to all involved, we shall be talking about this for a very long time! Read more
  • May 24, 2024 Great way to finish a busy half term! Read more